Breeding company

HW Seeds is a company that specialises in developing tomatoes, focusing on taste, good bite, a luxurious appearance and quality.

HW Seeds has been laying excellent foundations for over 15 years now, with high-quality initial stock. We focus in particular on Santa, loose and vine cherry, cocktail and speciality/culinary tomatoes in all shapes and colours.

Each tomato we develop must meet an extensive range of requirements, with taste and excellent quality coming first. In addition, we make sure that we breed in the required resistances, allowing the tomatoes to be cultivated the world over. We therefore run tests in the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Japan and Spain.

At HW Seeds, we have taken on the challenge to do something out of the ordinary. With our varieties, we therefore offer nothing but top quality. This is highly appreciated by our customers and helps them stand out in the market.

Using genetic marker technology and improved crop knowledge allows us to work in a more targeted manner and make constant enhancements to the way we breed in new features.

On the global market, there is a demand for new varieties that are able to utilise nutrients more efficiently and that are more resistant to global warming, viruses and insect infestations.

Our breeding focuses on working together with customers to develop new varieties that meet the demand for features in today's market.

Introducing Arie and Roel

Arie van der Windt

Arie van der Windt

After breeding tomatoes and various other vegetable crops at a major seed company for 18 years, I started applying this knowledge to organic and naturally resistant cultivation 15 years ago.

My goal has always been to focus on breeding cherries, minis, Santas and specialities. HW Seeds also focuses on these areas, and I've set up lines that are unique to us. We've used these to create new cultivars of the highest quality, with excellent taste and shelf life.

Roel Huisman

Roel Huisman

With over 25 years' international experience in managing and marketing health products for humans and animals alike. Over the last few years, I've also built up a large network among suppliers of raw materials, researchers and buyers, and I've made specialist connections between them all, providing us with a strong foundation to market the fine produce that Arie creates. Whereas Arie takes care of breeding at HW Seeds, I'm responsible for our organisation's strategy.

Tomaatblaadjes - HW Seeds BV

Latest news

HWSeeds receives 3-star superior taste award - HW Seeds BV

Award for Kazuti

3 June 2024

HWSeeds is proud to announce that we have been awarded the 3 star superior taste award for Kazuti by...

Hiiros, Kazuti variety by HWSeeds - HW Seeds BV

Hiiros, Kazuti variety

13 March 2023

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Cees and Nynke with their beautiful company in Sweden - HW Seeds BV

In the picture: Karintorps

10 July 2021

Cees and Nynke from Karintorps in Sweden in the picture with their beautiful company and large varie...

Tomaatblaadjes - HW Seeds BV

Assessment of the Arieco mini Santa after 11 weeks in the greenhouse

Compared with HW Seeds's Milenco Santa red, the Arieco has a completely different cluster structure, is full of fruit, has a good arrangement, and the first tomatoes that were recently harvested already taste great. The taste can only get better, bec...

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